Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

I AM here... really

So I have been totally amiss about keeping up my blog. Maybe this can be my New Years resolution. This is my 1st full winter in Napa and if I didn’t know any better I would think I was in Seattle with all the rain we have had. I think there has been only 2 days of sun since Christmas. Makes it kind of hard to get out and about and take pictures of anything interesting. I have been looking at “Daily Photo” blogs from other cities and I might try doing that soon. Many cities throughout the world have blogs where people post a photo of what their world look like that day. I could handle that. I don’t always have something interesting to day, but I can usually find something interesting to photograph. There are two daily photo blogs for San Francisco and
In the mean time since I do not have any new photos, I will share a photo of the cat that I adopted a few months ago. His name is Hobbs, although I never call him that, don’t like that name, but he is the sweetest most lovey lap cat. It is nice to have a cat again after being without for 10 years.
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